[17F] yes I drank too much caffeine and felt self conscious. PLEASE be honest :))

You have eyes like a dark night, very deep and enticing. I don't care what anyone else says, you're really attractive, the little freckles are nice, you mouth is upturned on the ends which helps avoid resting b***h face. You could go for darker eyebrows as they're kinda light, which in studies is considered less attractive. You have the presence of a defined face due to your cheekbones and jaw, which makes you look sorta fit even if you're not, overall, your face looks well proportioned. You do look average, not average as in the middle of hot and ugly, but you don't look weird, just like a very average person like a normal looking human. Your nose is a bit wide for your face, but it's not too bad considering that it's straight. your bottom lip is a little flat, but your upper lip has a nice Cupid's bow. The second picture is in bad lighting and your posture could be less arched lol, You're really pretty, 9/10.

/r/TeenAmIUgly Thread Link - reddit.com