19 why is it so bloody hard time to find love I really want a girlfriend

I remember when I was a 19yo virgin, scared, suicidal boy who cried most nights when going to bed alone. Now, I’m a 25yo depressed virgin who doesn’t sleep much because I have developed severe anxiety and can’t stop thinking about how everyone has rich social lives without even trying, yet no one sees value in me whatsoever. I’m also scared for my mental health, I’m only 22 and hanging on by a thread, another 10-15 years of daily mental exhaustion and trauma like this and I can’t imagine my brain being totally functional. I already feel like I’m losing my sanity. I do have hobbies and I do enough enjoyable stuff, although I spend all my time alone because it’s the only way I can manage my social anxiety, and life now is basically me knowing I’ll never have a relationship and me trying to distract myself from this ugly truth.

/r/lonely Thread