1935: Triumph of the Will - The Power of Propaganda

Absolutely correct. Throughout my academic career, I have been lambasted for recognizing the accomplishments of Hitler. No, I don't think Jews are horrible parasites (I happen to have married one), and no, I don't think it's ok to put people in camps based on race or ethnicity (like the US and Soviets did), but I am not so self-righteous as to ignore Hitler's economic and social accomplishments.

Hitler, despite what you may have heard, did not revolutionize evil. He did what countless people have done before him: choose to do evil for good reasons. He really wanted to protect and emppower his people (and after you read the Treaty of Versailles, you will understand why). He was confused, absolutely, and ignorant, but he was well-meaning. Evil is never self-aware, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Ignoring the amazing things Hitler did for Germany is a sure-fire way to get another Hitler in power, and watch another atrocious genocide take place for the "right reasons."

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