20F here, need some brutal honesty from you guys.

"Lock down a beta bucks" - seriously guys? Awful advice. You want to find someone you are attracted to, not a meal ticket. Even if you like him at first, he won't be a real man in one or many ways and it will eventually dry up. Better to stay single and use orbiters for support than lock yourself into a relationship with someone you detest inside.

Advice. Well, people keep saying "nobody will want someone with 18 partners at 20 years old." That's not really true. But you have set yourself up for an uphill battle. You have to be honest with yourself and with the guys you are interested in. Not to say you should tell them about all 18 on your 3rd date, but don't lie or cover anything up.

The thing is, you can't go back to being a prude. You obviously enjoyed doing those things, though you may have had unrealistic expectations about the affection and/or commitment you would receive in return. So keep doing them. Don't hold back on a guy because you are ashamed about your past. Imagine if you bought a car at full price, only to find out later that it was actually used and had been sold to a previous owner much cheaper. That sounds like objectifying but just listen to the intent here. It's going to really piss anyone with a spine off. You valued 18 random dicks more than the guy who has committed his time and attention to you. I am NOT advocating being a slut. What I am saying is, be a slut for YOUR MAN and have some fucking sense when you're choosing that man. Yeah, it sucks that a few other dudes got there with minimal effort, but make the payoff worth it. Don't skimp on the sex. If you do, that's an indication that you're not attracted to him anyways. If you respect and cherish your man he will be getting 10x the benefit that those other guys got.

I have an ex that had way more partners than me. She did a good job (I think) not holding back on me. But a word of advice: while you shouldn't hide anything or lie, don't put it out there all the time either. She would say things like "[giving head] is my specialty." Alright well now the only thing in my head is the masters degree in sucking dick that got her to where she is now. Don't give your man any reason to believe that you're still someone who enjoys random sex.

It all comes down to trust. Work to build trust. Be genuine. Women are awful liars. I could easily tell when my ex was lying to me. Unfortunately she would persist so fervently that I would eventually start to believe her.. don't be that cunt. I knew about her past and was willing to build trust with her, but her constant lying and truth-bending made that impossible for me. Even if you're never found out, it's usually still obvious that you're lying; there's just no proof that can be brought against you. That will kill a man slowly inside.

Anyways, you're young. You have plenty of time ahead of you and it sounds like you have the right mindset. Work on yourself and don't go 'boy crazy.' That will blind you and you'll end up with a lot more assholes and losers. Work on your skills, your friend circle, your career etc. and be CHOOSY of who you let into your life. There will always be a stream of dicks throwing themselves at you. Don't take them.

/r/TheRedPill Thread