$21trillion (yes trillion) missing from US federal budget

TL;DR It isn't missing, they just have a huge amount of unconfirmed transactions and need time and resources to clear the network.

Jesus tapdancing christ, this again? No it is not fucking missing. My wife is an accountant for the DoD and is literally doing audits for them on stuff like this. In my very basic understanding, it's in the systems, but not been balanced or some shit. Basically they are super behind on getting all the ducks in a row, hence people in the general public not being able to see it yet. Maybe someone else from inside can comment in a better way. I'm in tech, not accounting, so don't ask follow on questions because I can't answer them and she's not allowed to.

This bullshit gets shared all over the place as a example of government waste when it's really just an example of how understaffed they are.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread Link - globalresearch.ca