Lets talk about the Gold nerf

i dont know what the big issue is, its not like valtan gives no gold now (3000g per week instead of 4500g ) , aswell as getting the materials faster. But as someone who had new player friends start recently a big problem for them wasnt the gold you get from valtan hm , it was getting to 1445 with the gold they had in the first place. The honing costs where a real problem for them, given that they where removed i think it balances out.

Who got hurt by the gold changes? (bussers and people who already honed past the 1445 mark on 6 characters)

Also people who cant run vykas hm 6 times just because vykas takes longer than valtan on average.

getting a new character up to 1445 was more than 3000g in raw honing cost, so that would already be 2 weeks. Making it easier to get your roster up actually increases your gold income with the added benefit of higher chaos dungeons. New Player wise this is probably a good change and veterans have to deal with it.

/r/lostarkgame Thread