I [22M] can't seem to stop myself from jacking off when my [24F] girlfriend goes out for the day. When she comes home and tries to make me cum, or we have sex. She finds out and Gets very upset at me.

Unpopular opinion: Who cares if you like to masturbate? That’s on you dude and I’m p sure that the urge to do that will decline as you age. So don’t freak out about that too much.

As for your relationship concerns: YIKES! Number one, she shouldn’t make you feel like crap after sexual Inter course. Like come on, it’s called making love and you should be able to have a mature conversation with your sexual partner about things that are bothering you without making them feel like shit about it. And for the record, I’m a female. You can’t take an axe to someone’s self confidence and then expect them to jump into bed with you right after. Smells like emotional abuse to me.

Lastly, your significant other is never justified in cheating on you regardless of how satisfying their sex life is. Period. In my humble opinion, you’re worried about that because you’re sleeping with the wrong person.

/r/relationship_advice Thread