[23 f ] my boyfriend is offended that I wont wear lingerie that he buys me for sex and I don't understand why. Why is this a big deal?


His response is that relationships and pleasure are a 2 way street and women should dress up for their men sometimes in the way that the men feel is sexy.

I disagree - my sexuality belongs to me. My job is to be the best person I can be every day and a small part of that is my sexuality. 'insides' aside, I go to the gym and look a certain way. I have clothes and personal styling such as hair and makeup that I picked out and they make me look a certain way. I have my own sexual preferences - in other words, I have designed MYSELF. I also have certain personality traits and go to school and I have friends and hobbies and family. In other words I am ME and I work on myself inside and out and I take care of myself and try to love myself and mold myself into something I am proud of.

A man's job is to either love that, or leave it. It is NOT my job to try and make him love it. I'm not saying that love, sex and relationship aren't about give and take when it comes to love and attention, I'm not saying be selfish in a relationship. I'm saying it isn't my job to be his dream girl - its my job to be ME and if I'm not his dream girl, I'm someone else's.

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