23/m/Virginia-Does the world around you just feel to crazy sometimes?

Thanks buddy. The world is back in line again. Organized chaos has never looked so good. The other day I was sliding down an overpass and the plastic lid I was on got stuck only a couple feet down. It was then that I realized what I must do with my life. ROLL WITH IT! So I rolled down that mother fucker. Giggling like the little dumb school girl I totes am. When I woke up in the hospital it was evident that I had rolled right into traffic and been hit by Smart car. It did not make me smarter. That would have been nice though. Math being the human proclaimed language of the universe, I would like to speak it. Then I could talk to the universe instead of my cat. Not that my cat can't just relay my wishes to the universe for me. She does speak math. Well, she would if she existed. I don't have a cat. I wouldn't tell her to relay my wishes anyway. The bitch would know to much of my deepest darkest secrets if I did that. Gods knows I don't want that! So yeah back to the roll down the hill. It actually went really well. I didn't have gloves on so the climb back up wasn't going to work. I had my roommate bang his leg against the guard rail to retrieve them for me. Oh right hospital. That never happened either. Once all my papers are organized nice and neat I can clean the floor but not until the turpentine wood is chopped thin for convenience.How the hell is eating spider legs going to be a very effective source of nutrient in a survival situation anyway. Don't want to end up with frostbite venom on my upper lip. There was no point to hammering nails into the ceiling but it did seem like a better idea than putting them in the floor. It had to happen. They have a purpose and now they are living it. Why would you deprive them of that. Boxed up even with that little plastic window. Who would deny them their futures. And that! is why vinyl makes the best weaponized ultimate Frisbee. Those bastards break sharp as hell. Supposing hell is really all that sharp anyway. Well, I sure have missed these little chats with you sweetheart. I'm glad you finally decided to give your mother a call for once. Love you, bye bye.

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