23 year old Canadian male from BC amongst those murdered in Las Vegas

What the fuck is happening. Terrorist attacks on both Canadian and american soil in 24 hours. This is disgusting. We need to stand up as people, a modern aged revolution needs to happen. How are people just returning to work and going about their lives. We seriously need to shut shit down and protest. Every nonessential service needs to come to a halt. Everyone is just a sitting duck at this point waiting to be killed by a terrorist. Barely 3 years ago you didn't worry about getting killed in mass shooting /vehicles being rammed into crowds in North America. We've failed as a society. We've fueled white supremecy by creating islamophobia. The nations are dividing by race when we need to be uniting as one group of people who want to live and be free and enjoy the civil liberties our brothers and ancestors have died for. The suffering minority's of the past cannot be in vain. We cannot continue on this path when history is so rich of these exact circumstances we find ourselves in. Let's make it so that justice and peace prevails.

/r/canada Thread Parent Link - lapresse.ca