24 [F4R] Somewhere - Seeking Solace

Jesus Christ! Wtf is wrong with people? Tough love doesn't work when it's directed towards a complete stranger. You just sound like an inconsiderate, judgemental, bunch of assholes. Who talks that way to a girl? Especially one whose clearly in distress and simply wants a f*cking friend to help remind her that there's good people in this world still. Apparently, not from the users on reddit.

Advising someone to merely be happy just because they're alive is a terrible oversimplification of the issues facing a number of individuals in modern society. Suffering without meaning has no purpose. Feelings of discontent, existential ennui, or hopeless boredom is perhaps more common than some people realize. We are not all, and in fact most are not, well adapted evolutionarily to reconcile within our own brains as to just how one is supposed to properly manage all of this newfound free time with in which we are not solely focused on the essentials of survival. Finding food, shelter, water...imperatives that encompassed the extent of early man's existence. Domestication, specialization, proficiency in farming, industrialization, and a number of other factors have contributed to this schism within the minds of certain individuals and it is a very real, and very distressing problem. Someone who so callously dismisses, or ignores the pain of their fellow man has an entirely different problem unto themselves and I pity the individuals whose path have brought them to arrive at that mentality.

So, to address the original poster. I am of the belief that existence proceeds essence. To defines one purpose in this life is the ultimate labor of ones existence. Start thinking about that which makes you feel truly fulfilled. Is it through loving others? Perhaps it is in work of a specific sort that has yet to be done? In any case, if it was a casual, platonic friend you were looking for, then a friend you have found. We are all in this struggle together, stuck on this pale blue dot adrift in the darkness of space and to love one another is a good place to start.

/r/r4r Thread