[24f] I want to stay friends with a man to first observe his real personality before jumping into a relationship. Is this practical?

No your tone is not harsh at all. You've explained yourself very pleasantly!

The blood test example you illustrated does seem true. Time does heal.

You are so desperate to protect yourself that your defenses are actually shielding you from living. You won't get the bad, but you will also never experience the good.

Yeah I don't want to live in a shielded bubble my whole life and rarely experience any romantic relationships.

It happens to everyone, it is fundamental to the human experience. The good and the bad.

Okay, I will think about this more. I think I've been trying to live too much of a perfect life. I do think I'm sheltered but I don't think it's all bad because I do have a lot of conservative values. However, I I don't want to be so paranoid about romantic relationships anymore; if I want to find my lifelong SO, I may have to go through some bad apples. As I learned from this post, I don't think there's a way to avoid this by friend-zoning and screening potential mates!

If you stumble, who cares? Get back up and pat yourself off.

Thanks for all ur advice. I feel better knowing that my troubles and lows are a part of my human experience too. I can turn my bad experiences into wisdom and strength for the future.

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