26 years old. Sold $1.1 million of crypto post tax. No idea what to do.

Bro my grandparents have been living off dividends for decades and guess what they still have the same amount of shares. Guess what else the stocks have steadily increased in value also. If they followed the all value zero dividends they wouldn’t of had anything by now. Also with the all value strategy during bad times they would of had to sell of bigger chunks do to lower value to pay bills. Thus increasing the decline of shares they own quicker. Dividends allow them to hang out during bad times with same amount of shares and steadily add more over time and use excess to diversify in other stocks over time. All the while not selling any stocks.

The argument of price drop after ex dividend date is from people selling. Their is not a almighty hand from a board of people on the stock market that is dictating dividend stock prices. It’s all supply and demand. The only valid arguments against dividends is people who just chase yields and buy and sell quickly for a quick dividend and not hold.

Quit trying to pump ur echo chamber youtube channel

/r/Bogleheads Thread Parent