26 years old. Sold $1.1 million of crypto post tax. No idea what to do.

First, congratulations. That's fantastic.

The first thing I thought of was taxes. The difference between what you paid for the crypto in 2013 and what you sold it for is a taxable capital gain. Possibly a huge huge tax owed depending on the 2013 price. To avoid penalties, you need to pay estimated tax to the IRS by April 15.

Since you're not used to handling this amount of money (I'm guessing based on your 40k expenses), you should get professional help now. And it won't be easy given that this is "tax season" where all competent professionals are busy.

Of course it's possible to learn enough handle the taxes on your own, but with a deadline looming and no experience, you probably need help. Look into investment only after you're confident on your tax situation. In the meantime, keep your money is something boring like a money market fund since you'll need to peel off a good proportion of that windfall soon.

[N.B. I am not a tax professional, and don't know enough about your situation to advise well even if I was.]

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