I [27m] have hit a wall in my relationship with my gf [27f] and not sure if this is common or not. [xpost /r/advice]

I've been with my SO eight years, married a bit over one, and but I've never had that "bored" feeling.

I think a huge part of that is that my husband and I are always making sure we're both happy. I do little things to keep him surprised and excited, and he does it for me. Little trips. Looking up fun things. Finding new books to read....

You will never know everything about your SO. Even nine years in, I'm still learning things about his life growing up, and I'm realizing he doesn't know every single one of my memories, too. There is always something to talk about, something new to try, something new to do. And when you don't want something new? There's always just holding and appreciating one another, cooking a meal together, letting each other know how much you appreciate each other...

I think that's the "Relationships are hard work" thing people talk about. Because my husband and I definitely put work into keeping out relationship happy and full of love. But it's such happy work, work I absolutely love doing and he seems to love doing as well.

We both work hard, and I am finishing up my PhD. We had to do long distance for the last three years of my PhD and are still as "madly" in love with each other as when we started dating. In fact, I'd argue we're even more-so, according to our friends.

Ask yourself -- what are YOU doing to build up that spark? What about her? Sparks don't come from nowhere, you know, they take energy and timing. What energy and time are you putting into your relationship when things are routine?

/r/relationships Thread