
You literally did that though and dismissed their argument on the basis that they're "only saying that" because of their being an ableist.

Like you, I've also done debate for years. Like you, I've also been to school for social work (and switched to medicine because social work world sucks).

If you want to argue with someone, don't insult them or call them names. You can talk circles about it all day but saying someone is wrong because they're an ableist is an adhominem and even if it you are wrong, it makes you look like an asshole and ruins your credibility. Use sources instead and whatever this ax is you're grinding because you were allegedly denied a license to be a social worker, lighten up.

Not all of us are assholes and I would hope that a fellow social worker would use the skills they learned in school and their decency as a fellow human to guide people into correct understanding instead of getting bent out of shape because they don't understand something.

/r/2meirl4meirl Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it