I [30M] love my girlfriend [26F] of two years, but I have insecurities about her past

Thank you for extending the help and for the recommendation. I've always been very interested in Jung but I've never had an heavy reading. The concept of one consciousness and archetypal imagery has always massively appealed to me as truth.

I have seen first hand how people become broken human beings through lack of awareness and work on themselves. It has spurred me on to work on myself and not be defeated by issues such as the ones I've posted about today. I believe in unconditional love, and being in love. I've never felt quite as understood as I do by my partner. The love we share is so full of joy and harmony, and there are insecurities and issues as with any duality. I feed my issues, give them energy, such as I am doing right now, but it is necessary sometimes in order to balance. At least, I hope I'm doing the right thing. My partner deserves all the love in the world, and so do I. I want to give that to her. I can see us growing old together as best friends and lovers. Thank you for providing me with food for thought.

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