I [32M] had an emotional affair. My girlfriend [29F] wants me to block the other woman everywhere.

That sounds miserable.

No negations... do as I say or leave...

I may be weird in this aspect, but I don’t think I would ever take away control from my partner like that. I would lay out how I felt, and what I thought was best for our relationship. I would tell them how their actions affected my ability to trust them and their commitment to our partnership and the possible outcomes. I wouldn’t give them an ultimatum.

Adults don’t need strict rules as if they’re a children. Human emotions are way too complex for that. Ultimatums lead to resentment and/or lingering feelings. How would you ever trust that they were truly over it if you boxed them into a corner. That just an illusion imo. They need to come to the decision on their own.

But... like I said. I’m weird.

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