343 needs to look into WHY people are quitting...

First of all, 343 needs to lighten up on quit-banning when disconnection from their servers is so common. I got kicked from their servers 3 times in a row then got a half hour ban. And no I absolutely do not have shit internet.

If you disconnect from a game but remain connected to XBL it should not count as a quit/toward a ban because it was clearly their server.

As for spawns, some maps are terrible and some are ok. There was a game of SWAT on that forerunner map where the enemy team accidentally spawn-locked us (it was definitely not coordinated because they moved around and un-did it themselves). So we were just spawning and dying to some guy who happened to be looking. They got about 8 kills in mere seconds from this because of the instant respawn in SWAT.

And don't even get me started on the spawning in forge-Standoff. Enemies can spawn on the side of you, behind you - there's no limit. Ghosts are also fucking ridiculous on this map - you can spawn out in the open next to a ghost and have absolutely no chance (ghosts no longer overheat in Halo 5). Or you can spawn in the open with 3 guys already shooting in your direction. Spawning in enemy view is not only common it's essentially standard for this map.

Then there are other smaller (or at least rarer) issues. Like yesterday I threw a splinter grenade, and a teammate walked into it (clearly could see it/knew it was there) and killed himself, then booted me for the betrayal. And this was not a "in the heat of the action" walking into it. The enemy died, and the residual energy field was still going, and he comes around a corner and walks forward into it having had at least 3 seconds of it in plain view before hitting it.

/r/halo Thread