4 month old still has infant dyschezia?


I use the Frida Windi. It's controversial, so talk with your pediatrician first. I'm a nurse, so I'm not a stranger to sticking things in weird places for work. My LO screams in pain, even after all of the usual suggested treatments for gas. When she gets unconsolable, that when I know she's got to drop a load and needs help. This thing is a savior for that. If she has gas, this thing is a huge help. We lay her on her back and do the usually fart exercises. Then I pat her belly like a bongo, and use the fart whistle. She either poops or deflates, so have diapers and wipes close. I use a puppy pee pee pad I put under her so I don't waste diapers if she poops. Gas can make the poop shoot, so be careful lol. Also, probiotics keep her regular. Message me if you have any other questions. Good luck.

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