50 years ago tobacco still sponsored TV shows and asbestos was still used in buildings. What's acceptable today that will be viewed negatively 50 years from now?

The trick you're attempting to play here is not new. It's the most abused page in the feminist playbook. In order to substantiate your claim that Women Are Victims (!), you had to define rape as something men do to women. It is no surprise that under that definition your data leads to the conclusion that Women are raped more often. That's why you had to go all the way back to 2011 data, even though the CDC has published subsequent studies in But you got caught.

Your dataset codes a rape only when the victim is penetrated. That means that when a man forces a woman to have intercourse, the woman is a victim of rape. When a woman forces a man to have intercourse, she has not penetrated him, thus she does not appear in your dataset as a rapist.

"And now the real surprise: when asked about experiences in the last 12 months, men reported being “made to penetrate”—either by physical force or due to intoxication—at virtually the same rates as women reported rape (both 1.1 percent in 2010, and 1.7 and 1.6 respectively in 2011)."

See what happens when we define rape as rape, rather than a feminist myth?

In other words, if being made to penetrate someone was counted as rape—and why shouldn’t it be?—then the headlines could have focused on a truly sensational CDC finding: that women rape men as often as men rape women."


I caught you playing another trick, too. In order to sustain your Women Are Victims myth, you had to ignore the most vulnerable men, those most likely to be raped. You had to pretend that hundreds of thousands of male victims don't exist. Typical feminist.

As we learned from the CDC, men outside institutions are as likely to be raped as women. Inside institutions, that many more are raped. National Inmate Survey, 2008, Department of Justice.

If you add the number of men raped inside institutions to the number raped outside institutions, you will see that men are around twice as likely to be raped as women.

You should apologize now.

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