55% of America's Top Startups Were Founded by Immigrants. Why Won't Congress Let in More?

The immigrants capable of and often make 'top startups' have almost no barrier to entry in getting in this country. The US bends over backwards to invite the kinds of immigrants starting those companies, IE: highly skilled/educated immigrants with money, into the country. What an absolute bullshit article. What is it with people and conflating educated/rich foreigners who come here to start their companies because of an extremely permissive tax/regulatory environment relative to most other developed nations with poor third world economic migrants?

Thirty-something year old Jose from Venezuela who dropped out of elementary school, doesn't speak English and can hardly even speak Spanish, with literally no money to his name, is not going to found the next Silicone Valley tech start up. The whole 'immigrants are a net positive' argument is based on this bullshit conflation. Yeah, immigrants are a net positive... In the current system that makes it easy as hell for well-to-do immigrants who will be an economic boon to come here and by and large tells educated/poor immigrants to fuck off (restricting their access to lottery/family connections).

/r/politics Thread Link - reason.com