6 Year Old Account with no post or comment history PM's me to warn of sockpuppet Mod accounts...

No problem. Whoever ran the 1 month old mod account generic_brand_cola sockpuppet account will still be on that mod list with an older account.

I've got no problem with mods doing all the cocaine they want but it's funny to see them lock an entire post about milkshaking, rather than moderate comments, because MiLkShAkInG iS iLlEgAl but then at the same time on the SAME DAY they're also posting about doing coke - https://removeddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/bqxt96/_/eo92utk/ - no wonder they deleted generic_brand_cola - the hypocrisy cringe was too much

One of those old long term mod accounts at r/unitedkingdom is clearly having a meltdown, first with the generic_brand_cola sockpuppet account and now with these other modding decisions. I don't know why they're drawing attention to it, it probably would have blown over if they'd just carried on as usual instead of throwing a wobbler.

/r/badunitedkingdom Thread Parent Link - imgur.com