97% of young women in the UK have been sexually harassed, study finds

I’m not defending the whataboutism- but genuine question for you. Wouldn’t you rather be groped or even sexually assaulted than physically harmed or killed?

I’m a small guy, I’ve had some terrifying interactions with other guys that think threatening my life for no reason at all makes them big and tough. I’ve had knives pulled on me and worse.

I want to be sympathetic and understand, humanity sucks and a lot of us have been victims. But please help me understand. Statistics show what I have faced is way more likely because I’m a man, and it would be significantly less if I were a woman. I’d instead face harassment or rape. It seems safer to be a woman, but whenever someone glibly pulls out some whataboutism the conversation just turns tit-for-tat.

Given a choice between rape or murder, I know I’d rather still be alive. But have you ever seen a concerted media effort to raise awareness about the assault and murder men disproportionately face?

Well in any case, talking about men’s issues in a thread about women’s issues is of course a terrible idea. But I don’t control the narrative, I just know what I am afraid of (assault on the street or in a pub) is never talked about.

I just wish we could turn the narrative towards making everyone feel safe all the time, and condemn all kinds of violence. So I guess I understand the frustration some men feel when they see these threads, they feel like their safety is never a topic of conversation.

Anyway, I imagine you will face further harassment in society, and I’m really sorry for that. I do hope it’s getting or will get better.

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