about women empathy

Women suck at empathy. They're only good at sympathy. Sympathy is best for small children and when somebody you know has a friend who died.

Other than that, empathy is some kind of strange riddle to women. All it is though, is imagining what it would be like to be in somebody else's shoes. I can't watch a fucking movie or TV show without imagining what it would be like to be in the hero's shoes or the villain's shoes and having a general understanding of what it would be like.

Last serious gf I had, I asked her about how she watched movies and I told her I always imagine myself as the different characters in the movies. Silly me, I thought EVERYBODY did that. She just "didn't" and that did not make one bit of sense to me. I thought there was something wrong with her and was ready to break up then and there for that reason alone. (Broke up later on for other reasons though.)

But now I find out, holy shit: AWALT, and women don't have empathy and it BLOWS me away whenever I think about that. That is ridiculous. No empathy? No empathy. Holy shit.

I was given empathy at a very early age. I used to punch my (fat) grandfather in the gut and call him "fatso" (and then laugh and run away) and my Dad pulled me aside and said, "Batman, don't do that! How do you think he feels when you do that? How would you feel?" I was probably 3 or 4 years old and BAM! strong sense of empathy installed.

I think female lack of empathy has a lot to do with Briffault's Law. The law describes a parasite or a hooker. The parasitic/ho nature of women has pretty much zero need for empathy. Using a bit of empathy here: imagine if you were a parasite or a ho, in competition with other parasites and hos - basically looking around for a host, or a client, or a meal ticket. Having empathy is going to compromise your biological script and turn the rudiments of your life-path upside down. At best, women can be taught how to fake empathy to get around better in the working world, but they will never really have real empathy. They'll sooner take up a hobby like crochet or knitting before they give a thought to empathy.

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