Why do abusive corrupt institutions prioritize money over people?

"abusive corrupt" institutions generally tend to be financially successful.

to boil this way way way down into its most simplistic terms:

the more financially successful you are, the more money you want. few people ever think "i have enough money" (even if to the rest of us, they arguably DO.) but think about it. let's say you're a local warehouse worker earning $30K a year, don't you imagine your life would be so much better if you were earning $50k? then you attain that, outgrow it, and cast your eye on $70K. then $100K. then you're at like $150K with bills to match and long for $200K. you hit THAT and it's like, why not keep going? the more money you make, the bigger your bills get. eventually it's not enough to have the luxury car and a college fund for your kids; you want first a modest retirement, then an extravagant one, and after all, you've earned it and so you deserve it.

it's easy to look at someone making twice what you do and feeling envy, and thinking of what you could do with their income so they should be happy to have it, but the thing is, they're looking at the person who earns twice what THEY do and feeling envy, thinking "my life would be so much easier if i had that."

so if you're a corporation and you're barely turning a profit, you keep striving until you do. and then you do, and you want more. and then you reach, let's say, three million a year and the top folks get a bonus of 10%, you want to see if you can hit 5 million and 15%, and then 10 million and 20%, until you end up netting billions and you're giving your top people comp packages well north of a million per year.

once a company reaches this point, people are not important; they are merely "resources" to that end. employees are resources to increase their bottom line; customers are resources to increase their bottom line.

what we might consider "abusive" and "corrupt" is to them "living the dream" and "striving for the goal." what that is, who knows, because the goalpost constantly moves out.

it becomes easy to forget that your employees are people with lives and families and feelings; it's easy to forget that customers are as well, beyond keeping them 'happy' so they keep giving you money.

that's a MASSIVE boiling down, but it's basically how it happens.

doesn't even get into the power motivation.

/r/AskReddit Thread