ADHD is losing your shoes, hunting for them for 30 minutes, finally putting on your wife's shoes to take the garbage out, then coming back in to find your shoes in a spot you checked 10 times before you gave up.

Oh, yes. Thank you for giving me the chance to recognize the story of my life, to read it and weep along with someone else for a change. The kind of thing you never share with your family or friends except when you're still very young, or a true masochist.
There really are no words to adequately describe what it's like to have to live with these an exquistitely . . . ADHD day. But, lack of words do not deter me from trying to shape the yin to this damn yang — those philosophical thoughts that sometimes swell up to within the void of meaning, that gravitate toward the recognition that all things in the Universe are counterbalanced, and that this is so without exception.

So Here are Some Thoughts from the Alternate Realm For You to Skip, Skim or Ponder as You Like, Set Them to Music For All I Care:

ADHD is the wonderful, perpetual antidote to all those silly things that tend to creep into human souls and grow into ugly ailments like chronic seriousness, judgemental attitudes, oversized egos. ADHD is the environment that ensures a continual return to humility; ADHD is the unyielding reminder that survival demands a persistence of spirit and a sense of humor; that options are always available within the creative imagination that seeks out the world as it may become, the world beyond the here and now. today. This is the other side of ADHD those who were lucky enough to have been so cursed. ADHD is that stupid little label that identifies all those ridiculous, confounding difficulties that arise from the void of who one is not — it is all we have so far, because we do not yet properly conceive of the much more real, solid entity that any of us actually represents. That kind of self awareness is part of a more complex level of sentience than we have emerged into yet, though we are all continuing our strugglies toward this epiphany, this clarity of consciousness. Until then, all of humanity wrestles with a motley array of stereotyped identities that are molded over a hollow core — those things that each of us is not, relative to our collective whole. Our diversity allows us to extend our reach much deeper and wider than that mythical creature we all believe in, the normal, well rounded human being. We know it's absurd, but we don't yet understand why, or what it is about Diversity Celebration Day that is as sad as it is funny. ADHD prevents all those smothering layers of psychology the hide and protect whatever it is that isn't there. Were only human, we say, and that's as far as we'll discuss it. ADHD pretends to be a silly little label about the burden of a lot of stupid days, but that is just the cost for being something else instead, something unrecognized yet powerful, something unburdened by the heavy layers and cloaks and masks that disallow the chance to pursue truths that matter to us all more than most ever can. ADHD flags those with the ability and talent to function outside that which we already know about, expect, can plan around. It's essential that some of us are here to soak up all the noise and chaos without tiring, because that is what it takes to see what things are becoming true, have already just taken root. Things that don't respond to influence planned out for what was expected, what was, and what has slowly become a little more outdated every single day. And that, of course, is the source of the largest problems around the world that we continue to endure and are constantly trying to fix. ADHD is a coy little flag of hope that signals one who is paying attention to the constant flow of information, and absorbing the patterns in the particles of change, one who is only stays grounded by the grace of being tethered to the damn keys, and ridiculously regimentmented calendar of timetables, where a lot of people find nothing unusual about forcing everyone to appear at specific locations at specific minutes in time, again and again, all along ab infinite array of moments unfurling through eternity.

/r/ADHD Thread