Admit it, what’s the creepiest thing you’ve ever done?

Firstoff, I had this really unhealthy obsession with this girl I barely knew, you can't really call it a crush but let's call it that for now.

This is the story.

I used to Facebook-stalk my crush for a very long time, to the point I knew all of her pictures and everything about them.
So this one time I recognized two of her friends (whom I'd only known from the pictures) at a party in the park. So I social engineerd (I even pretended to like one of them who was gay) my way into becoming friends with them. I really disliked these people by the way, I just wanted to get closer to my crush.

I was friends with these people and their group of friends for the better part of a year, me disliking the shit out of these people.
During my 'friendhip' with these people I had invited them to sleepover once, I threw a party in the hopes of them bringing my crush (they did and I chickend out) and I went to one of their parties where I found out my crush wasn't single (by seeing someone making out with her) and I fell of the stairs and got a ton of glass in my hand (maybe I'll make a TIFU out of this story).

TLDR : I social engineered my way to becoming friends with friends of my crush, saw her kissing her boyfriend and cut myself.

My storytelling skills aren't that good but I've never shared this story and I felt like doing just that.
Sorry about any grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.

/r/AskReddit Thread