Admitting to substance use to the person diagnosing me

Since you deleted your previous post I'll copy my reply below.

In short, the answer is it all depends on how you frame it. I got diagnosed a few years ago, and had some similar concerns. It was at the back of my mind for years if I had ADHD, but it wasn't until I tried Addy for the first time that I knew for sure. It was night and day. I self medicated here and there for a few months, almost like experimenting on myself, at which point I knew for certain. Talking to my parents was a process, but for sake of concision as well, detailing that part right now isn't necessary.

Fast forward to talking with the psychiatrist for the first time. I had been thinking about this question, and many others for days trying to think of the right approach - but in the end went with brutal honesty.

I disclosed my pretty regular use of weed (grew up in NorCal), but more importantly, I explained why I used it, and at that, why I used it so much. For me, it was because everything was enhanced with weed. Life, socializing, doing activities, doing schoolwork, everything was just more. And it felt right. Literally anything I could do sober, I could do just as well on weed. I knew about the idea of state dependent memory, and used weed to raise my Calc BC grade from a C in the beginning of the semester to an A by the end. No joke. I also mentioned that I have used adderall before. That because I thought/knew I have ADHD, I wanted to see if the meds would help/work. And told him about how crazy and amazing the change was. I am a naturally very expressive individual, so that helps portray the honesty frame.

Back to the point. Along with everything else I described in my life, how it has impacted me etc., my psychiatrist responded that me smoking weed and how/why I did it makes complete sense. He even complemented me on the productive way I used it. WTF right?!

Turns out some people with ADHD will have a high affinity to dopamine seeking behaviors. My brain wasn't getting or naturally producing the amount of dopamine it needed, so I was naturally drawn to many activities that gave me my dopamine fix. Weed just being one of them.

Even till today while I hardly use weed anymore, it is still very much a part of my life. It helps a lot when I am taking addy breaks as well. For when I was smoking a lot, it was addy that got me break the habbit/addiction. If I took addy I felt absolutely no need/urge or even want to smoke weed. Probably because my brain is getting the dopamine it needs. Now weed helps when I take a break from addy. (I have a previous post about being physically dependent on stims, shit sucked, wouldn't recommend, am better now though)

TL;DR Know how to frame the topic so this can even act in your favor. Frame it with the why's and because's.

If he/she is a self-respecting psychiatrist, they will recognize at the very least that you know/believe you have an issue, and will try to work with you.

/r/ADHD Thread