Advise for dispute? Blamed for lost Evo key fob

I have reamed evo out many, many times since I started using their service. They are obnoxiously flawed and with enough persistence you will have a lot of success, specifically over the phone.

I like to remind them how glitchy and malfunctioning their app is. Ask to speak to a manager immediately, and try as be as kind but firm as you can. I don't condone the mistreatment of customer support staff, but I work in a similar support industry and I do know that the squeeky wheel always gets the grease.

They have tried to charge me with a handful of bullshit things like this, and I've gotten out of every single one. My favourite was when their app failed the entire city one night and I couldn't contact them, or lock my car, and they tried to ding me $50 for it and put a note about it on my file. Got that shit sorted ASAP and a formal apology from their staff.

/r/vancouver Thread