Afghan woman lynched in Kabul 'after burning Koran'

Fucking animals. Thanks to the CIA's efforts, we've turned these people into orcs. Good job, assholes.

I used to think this agency knew what it was doing, that they were to be trusted and respected under any and all conditions. I suppose Hollywood raised me that way. Now I see they are dangerously fallible. Playing such stupid, short-sighted games...sowing misery deep into the Earth. I despise this agency. I despise what they've done and I have every right to feel that way. Fuck you for purposefully creating this monstrosity to "defeat" the soviets. They collapsed just fine on their own without your vicious idiocy. I mean it's fucking communism: made of good intentions, vague methodologies, and the hope that humans would transcend their humanity. Creating the Taliban was downright evil and it has finally reached its horrid fruition. And of course none of the leadership who encouraged this perversity will see justice. Where is justice?

Afghanistan was doing just fine before we came along. They were a peaceful, egalitarian society. This is not Islam, it is a Frankenstein made by the CIA. You're like children playing with your GI Joes, but these are actual lives, actual people. How the fuck is the American populace meant to control you? You created the Taliban! I cannot tell you what a heart-crushing mindfuck that is for a young American. Do you feel ashamed yet? Will you ever feel ashamed? Dear god...I wish they hadn't blurred that woman. I wish her death was seared into our minds in painstaking detail. That's us. We did that. We did it through our ignorance, our acceptance of carefully planted Hollywood tropes. Our fears, our stupid fears financed it all.

Jesus, it all comes back to us: the taliban, the military industrial complex in our police force, and if nothing changes, I'm sure armed drones will be patrolling our skies in another thirty years or so. This horrifying cycle must stop. We must not let our fears be co-opted by a hidden elite to use as they please.

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