Afroman was arrested for that hit.

I never said she deserved to be clocked. I said other people are arguing she deserves to be clocked for trespassing and going on stage. That some people are arguing that anyone deserves to be regardless of gender.

What I'm saying is, I'm not seeing this overall attitude where people are claiming she deserved to be hit purely because she's a women. You are arguing that people are saying because she's female, she deserved to be beat. I'm not seeing this overall attitude you claim to be in the posts.

What I do see, is people arguing that because she went on stage where she didn't belong, she deserved to get hit the same way other fans that have gone on stage in the past have been hit by the Afroman. What I am seeing, is people arguing that the act of violence here is being seen as more heinous because a women is involved.

You are naive if you don't think that some are viewing this as more terrible because a women was hit. I'm a woman, and what I see here is an asshole performer that shouldn't be hitting anyone regardless of gender. I see someone that is enacting actions that don't fit the situation. That while she had no right to be on stage and get near him (he doesn't know who she is, and fans aren't allowed on stage or past security), a punch to the face isn't appropriate. But her being female doesn't make me see the act of violence as being any worse than if a male fan had been clocked (which actually happened months back, and the reaction wasn't the same as this incident).

But then we are having a debate on violence, and whether the guy had the right to hit anyone that was trespassing on stage. I can tell by how you are talking that you are blind with anger and are letting emotions clout your ability to comprehend. I think you should calm down and step back. Because I never said she deserved to be hit. I said others argued she deserved to be hit for being on stage.

You and a few others are arguing there is this overall attitude on reddit where people are saying because she's female, she deserves to be beat. That purely because of her gender, she deserved that hit. I'm not seeing this. I'm seeing people argue that her being a women doesn't make her being bit any more heinous. And to those arguing that Afroman had the right to punch anyone who gets on stage where they aren't allowed (im not arguing this), they are saying her being a women doesn't exempt her from being hit.

But again, you and others are supposedly saying reddit overall is suggesting she deserved to be punched because she's female. No other context. That people think her being a women made her deserve to get hit then anyone else. I'm not seeing this supposed overall attitude.

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