After 15 years of watching this show, I just realized it has a supernatural element...

Ok, but I won’t skip the preamble. Before you read my previous thread on the subject I’d like to point out that whether the guy Walnuts sees in Nyack is actually clairvoyant or not is really beside the point. A lot of fans will pay lip service to this ambiguity before turning around to steadfastly defend his supposed powers. It’s a mindless distraction so I felt compelled to try to cut through all that to highlight some important character development that happens when Paulie returns to Jersey.

First would be Tony. In ‘D-Girl’ he greatly stresses the importance of the sacrament of Communion to his son. In this ep he reveals what a Cafeteria or cultural Catholic he really is with his comment to Paulie about people in India and red meat. Obviously, not everyone there abstains from meat due to their religion but it was a revealing look into his mindset. Same with Paulie. His overwhelming fear isn’t something we’d seen before or really after that moment and shows a conscience of some type behind those wingtips.

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