Trump Administration rejects Senate resolution recognizing Armenian genocide

I don't understand. Are you trying to defend Trump by bringing up Obama? If not, why are you bringing him up? Obviously both inactions are despicable.

I think the bigger point here isn't how someone comes to support one candidate or another. In reality, you're probably like many people who initially downvoted my comment because you're incensed I mentioned Obama. And, it's not obvious to most people Obama did the same thing Trump is doing now; most probably don't know that and wouldn't consider that in their rush to demonize Trump over his inaction.

I'm trying to open minds to the fact that politicians they often revere do what most would consider "bad things," like building cages to house illegal immigrants, or like Roosevelt, imprisoning 100,000 Japanese-Americans because they weren't German-Americans.

But, just to put your mind at ease, I voted for Obama and didn't vote for Trump but I strive to keep an open mind and my critical thinking skills sharp and don't immediately jump on what the media or popular social networks are saying about a politician or celebrity.

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