After watching this, I have complete and utter respect for Doctors and Nurses working in the ER. Saving the life of a motorcycle crash patient. Emergency room/surgery footage. NSFW

Yeah, I feel as though that's definitely true, as much as I'd like to get a bike.

My grandfather rode back in the 50's.

He owned a god damn beautiful Indian, seen here on my grandparents honeymoon:

He had to sell it when he moved to Okinawa, but he bought he bought another bike there (a Honda, obviously).

Honesty, I wish he had been able to keep that Indian, just so that I could keep it in my garage to polish and look at it every week.

My father owned a bike as well. When he was my age though he was in a serious accident. He spent a couple months in the hospital.

He turned onto a one way street and an elderly driver was coming down it the wrong way. They collided.

He broke his leg and his back.

Then three years ago my uncle was hit by a truck, his first serious accident in many decades. It was bad though. He broke his back as well.

So, having a bit of "family history" when it comes to riding bikes, I always wanted one for myself. Not to mention I have quite a few friends who own them currently.

My grandfather and father both advise against it though. Both of them would love to ride again, but they say it's just not worth it today.

I think maybe I'd consider it if I lived out in the country, and could ride leisurely without much traffic I would. I know there would still be a risk, but that kind of chance I'd take.

I can't imagine I'd ever be willing to ride a bike in a city or on a busy highway though.

I know some of my friends who ride would call me a pussy for saying that, but I'd rather be a pussy than end up with a broken back or as a triple amputee.

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