After watching this, I have complete and utter respect for Doctors and Nurses working in the ER. Saving the life of a motorcycle crash patient. Emergency room/surgery footage. NSFW

Nurse Aide here. Some days, I just want to yell at that one patient. That one goddamn patient who refuses to do something like get up to the commode and would rather piss herself because she didn't think I could get there in time, and walking to the commode is too painful (yet very very important for PT), then tell you about it hours later. She's then upset because I didn't clean her up (lady let us know, you can get skin breakdown very easily, then it is my fault and by extension the nurses fault). This patient is in isolation for MRSA, so it is a pain to enter her room (must wash hands before and after leaving room immediately, and gown up). Just when I finish cleaning her up, she wants a water, I leave and come back to bring that to her. Now she needs to use the commode. Five minutes of getting her to the commode because of course she has a broken hip, and I have to do 3/4 of the work to get her up, sit there for five minutes making sure that she doesn't fall, because she is a high fall risk (designated for people who fall and hurt themselves). Get her back to bed and finish vitals. Then she calls every 15 minutes to clean up her trash on her bed table roller thing. I am not your goddamn mother.

Fortunately, I have only had one patient this bad, most of the others are only one or two of the previous complaints.

Usually most (90%) of my patients are fine, it is just that one patient who will suck up all your time. I feel bad for the nurses, once my shift is over I have no stress because most of what I do is not life of death stuff like they deal with (drugs). If they fuck up, they lose their licence and career. If I lose my license, it isn't a career loss (at least I hope, I don't end up as an aide for my career)

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