[Ahmer Naqvi] Pakistani Analyst with a hilarious analysis on Germany's elimination

For a long time my friends dad coached us in soccer and was German and generally a dick so other parents pushed him out, then my dad took charge and everytime we played he would get really really pissed and kill us. So in revenge of beating me and my dad all time I misprounced a german word I don't remember what it was but it was like Dein bah, and everytime I would say it, it would send the friend I had been born in the same hospital with, known for like a decade into a fit of rage. It was hilarious, flash forward to today were at the same college and he's stalking me, so I wish I had said it more. Still his dad was a damn fine manager and I do plan on stealing some tactics from him in the future.

/r/soccer Thread Parent Link - twitter.com