AITA - my daughter's friend had an anaphylactic reaction under my watch

I dont understand why people dont seem to get the fact that your body was made to consume meat. Humans have been eating meat for so many generations, it’s ludicrous to me that you could think your child doesnt need some of the nutritional value of meat in their diet. I understand that you can eat other things to make up for it, but if youre forcing veganism on your kid then I dont realistically see how youre going to make up for whatever it is that they need to eat. If youre cutting out fish and dairy products on top of just meat, ect.

Not to mention the fact that your imposing your beliefs on the kid before giving them a chance to even be able to sufficiently consider the concept.

“Why dont we eat meat mommy?”

“Cause killing animals to eat them is mUrDeR!”

Great, now your kid has it ingrained in them that 90% of people are murders and theyre not even 5 years old yet... Imagine how hard that is to reverse once they are of a rational age.

I wish people would raise their kids in a less extreme manner. I dont see much of a difference between forcing veganism on your kid vs defining your kids sexuality when theyre that young either. Whether its the parents who are terrified they might have a kid who will grow up to be gay, or parents who weirdly talk about their kid being gay at 5 years old. Theyre just molding the kid in really harmful ways, at least the parents in the sexuality example arent effecting the physical and psychological well-being of their kid.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent