AITA diabetic friend dumped me due to hike

I can 100% tell you that diabetes is incredibly dangerous and can cause mood imbalances, depression, and death. My whole family had/has type 2 diabetes (many passed because of this) and also known those with type 1.

Any level of exercise will affect blood levels - they will drop. The person will get ill and can easily collapse or go into a coma. This will almost appear out of the blue because they body registers the symptoms after the process has begun. In fact, anyone with diabetes has to manage their levels for the rest of their life. Its frightening and very disempowering.

Recently, my family’s friend tagged along on a “hike” (mild stroll to me) and started getting sick after 20-30 minutes. I’m active and this hike was simply a walk through a city’s famous attraction. But to them, it went from beautiful to immediately dangerous. Even with food and glucose tablets, the body will need time to recover and get sugar levels back up. The person didn’t even know they were crying with streams of tears coming down their face. I’ve had family members that didn’t remember a thing after their sugar dropped - not the ambulance, not the screaming or wailing… nothing!!! The mind has complete black outs during these drops.

Often, these drops happen way before the person with diabetes can feel or realize it - so they live knowing this scary fact as well. Diabetes affects the entire body and organs. As they get worse, their bodies and organs shut down and they require end-stage assistance like dialysis. I assure you, this is never something to be taken lightly. Diabetes leads to END OF LIFE care. (Granted few may qualify for a transplant but this seems like a dream more than a reality. I’m referring to a kidney transplant btw, trust me, these concerns are all related to one’s health).

If you are wondering if you are as “asshole”, I’d say no. You are PRIVLEDGED. You are so lucky to be healthy and even able to walk and move and do what you want without having to worry if a simple walk will lead to your inadvertent death. I know. I’ve been here in this exact situation more times than I can count.

I didn’t understand why the other person was so scared (and conveyed it as anger - the root is FEAR).

It’s true that she has to make her health a priority. No one else will. But don’t take it personally. It is coming from a real place of fear. First, you can’t cure Type 1 diabetes. My cousins friend died from Type 1 and it change her a lot.

You should be happy your friend is so strong and made it this far in life by asserting her will. Many people with Type 1 and 2 die younger than most and many experience life long depression.

So worrying about bathroom and fountains and bringing food or gels are irrelevant details when you look at it from her perspective and truly see the big picture.

You are NOT an asshole. You’re a lucky guy to not be in their hiking shoes of life.

Give them time. These events are traumatic and scary and angry usually masks deep fear.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread