AITA for asking my daughter why she never gave me any Mother’s Day gifts when she wrote cards for other women?

Look, YWNTA for asking. BUT, you need to be ready for some harsh truths (whatever they might be). If you seriously want to know, rather than simply wanting to pick a fight with you daughter you need to sit down CALMLY and ask why she hasn't brought you a card in all this time. When she answers you, LISTEN and even if you disagree, don't argue back. Walk away afterwards and reflect on what she's said, don't treat it as a chance to 'prove her wrong', but rather a chance to learn about your own parenting and what your daughter needs going forward.

This is a chance to change YOU, not her.

Probably a good idea to spend some time before you ask reflecting on your own parenting and asking yourself really honestly what your daughter feels like she's been missing out on to not want to get you a mother's day card, and why she is so grateful to other women in her life for listening to her and providing her emotional support.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread