AITA for being annoyed by my parents’ choice of restaurant to celebrate my graduation?


First off, congrats for graduating, that takes work. Second, I'm sorry you had to learn this way that your achievements mean different things to different people. You seem to feel like your graduation should be special and about celebrating YOU, but your parents have reduced it to just a regular night out with your family. Nothing like "oh let's go test out this new restaurant that might be good or might give us food poisoning" to make a guy feel special.

Here's the deal though: Your achievements matter exactly what you make them matter. You're an adult, you've graduated, and that means you will be forging on new paths in your life. It's exhilarating, it's scary, but at the end of the day -- it's your life.

Pick out some friends and go to your restaurant. Your parents are just trying to have a fun family night out and they kinda forgot you should matter. Because you're an adult. Remember this.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread