AITA for being hurt over something my husband sent to his friends?

NTA for having feelings. But girl you crazy. Im sorry but after I read your recent AITA I looked through your profile. Why does it hurt your feelings when he uses you as an excuse to not go out with his friends, they aren’t your friends and it’s a good way for him to save face. “I obviously see he is telling them things that aren’t happening” it would be one thing if your husband actually felt this way but he said it was a joke. Like sheesh it’s hard enough to maintain friendships when your working and have a personal life and tbh he probably feels better inside when he tells his friends he can’t hang out because he is with you, its a way to save face. its hard to explain but tbh relax... your creating drama for no reason if he told you he didn’t mean it.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread