AITA for being unable to deal with people who have anxiety attacks and breakdowns?

First, NTA. I am of the opinion that having assholeish thoughts while you try to ignore them and help someone makes you flawed, like every person is, not an asshole. That being said, even lightly encouraging someone to drink more should probably be avoided in my opinion, a lot of people (myself included) suck at knowing when we should stop.

Secondly, based more on your responses to comments than on the post, but;

It sounds like you have a similar problem to me, where some mental and/or emotional states are beyond my ability to empathize with for reasons I have yet to fully grasp. Like you appear to, I have put a lot of effort into trying to understand these states in the hope that it will allow me to empathize with them instead of just dissecting them. Based on the mental journey I went on for the states I can now empathize with, I believe that what worked was to build a bridge of sorts consisting of a chain of states/experiences that I can empathize with but have not experienced, with each new link being farther from my own experience and more similar to the state I'm trying to empathize with. This wallowing behavior as a complication to stressful psychological states is something that I am currently working on, so thank you for asking this, reading everyone's responses has given me new insights.

Finally, everyone calling you a narcissist or a psychopath should chill. I am obviously biased, but I think the fact that you're trying to understand this behavior and your reaction to it makes it pretty clear that you care about others.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread