AITA for being upset with my fiancé for not answering my calls for over two hours?

NTA. I'll give my reasons below, but first I just want to say I'm really grateful I'm seeing this post here, because I nearly posted something very similar today. My girlfriend has to drive an hour to and from work and has to drive a lot in general (she lives in a more rural part of the state) and I always ask her to keep in touch with me if possible and let me know she made it safe. This is necessary for two reasons, her safety being one, and the other that we are lesbians and she is not out to her family yet. They know about me but they do not know I'm her girlfriend. If something were to happen, and she were incapacitated or unavailable, there would be no one to tell me. So I rely on her completely to let me know.

So today she was picking up her friend from the airport. Probably a three to four hour round-trip drive for her. I had asked her last night to just let me know when she made it home with her friend. She said she would. I waited all day for a text from her and didn't get one. I wavered back and forth on checking up on her but I was worried about either overreacting or bothering her. I finally caved and sent her one at around 4:30pm. Much later than she should have been home. It said that I was worried and would appreciate if she could just send me some indication she was okay. 20 minutes later I get a text back from her and an apology for forgetting.

Since then I've felt like a pain in the ass for not just letting it go and assuming she was okay. But reading this made me feel so much better. Neither you or I are coming from a place of mistrust, just concern. I would have gone with NAH if he would've reacted differently, if he would've apologized and acknowledged the fact that he left you worrying, because there are few states worse than being in a situation where you don't know if your loved one is okay. I went with NTA due to his reaction, and specifically because your form of communication is an already established thing between you two.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread