AITA for buying my gf a dress that’s not her usual style for Christmas?

I think this is a sort of tenuously ESH situation. I get the feeling that your GF has been very blatant about not wanting to wear dresses or skirts, so you probably shouldn't have picked out the dress, and I get the feeling that you did because you wanted to see her in it, rather than because you thought she would actually like it. Like think about it this way. If she is telling you to wear a skirt before she does, she probably gets the same uncomfortable feeling you do about wearing that type of thing.

It's just not her style, and you really aren't anyone to be telling her how in touch with her feminine side she should be.

At the same time though, and maybe this is a hot take, but a gift is a gift and regardless of perceived intention it is rude of her to utterly snap at you like that, unless she has been really insistent about this with you in the past, or you have tried to get her a similar gift in the past and she was more polite about it then.

Either way, I would just try to patch things up with her. You clearly crossed a serious boundary whether it was accidental or not, and she is very hurt even if your intention was more playful. I think you should just genuinely apologize and talk about buying her an outfit that she would like. Admit you stepped out of line, promise you will never ever try something like that again, and then give her some space.

And to be frank, if you want someone who dresses more feminine in your eyes, you should just find someone else. She clearly doesn't want that, and if compromising on that front is really uncomfortable for you you just aren't going to be happy, and clearly compromising on that front is VERY uncomfortable for her.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread