AITA for calling my friend chronically online ?

Oh yes yes, I absolutely agree with the fact that fae is also wrong in this situation (and possibly chronically online too)!

It's one thing to be angry at people who intentionally disrespect/misgender you (like OP did), but to scream at folks who make innocent mistakes? Asshole behavior, always.

I'm very queer and yet still new to this whole concept of neopronouns myself, and had to edit my comment twice to not accidentally misgender in my comment haha. :') It's one thing to be angry at people who intentionally disrespect/misgender you (like OP did), but to scream at folks who make innocent mistakes? Asshole behavior. Always, no questions asked.

I also agree that I think fae seems to be out to assume malintent, where there is none, and by extension- victimize faeselves. People need time to unlearn certain language conventions they've grown up with, and I would've called fae the fae out if I were in OP'S place too.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent