This cyclist has been hit by cars 3 times this year. He's calling for better protection.

Right, I ride a bike every single day in traffic. It's not for everyone. I think this guy was riding like his right to be in the lane would have protected him. It doesn't, you cannot wear headphones on a bike in this city because you need to be mindful of everything around you so much. Shit even on roads in the country with 90kph limits you get people giving you more room and being safer than in the city.

I always ride on cheapside and even with the signs all over the place you get drivers who will try to pass you in "single file only" areas. Someone once almost got into a head on collision with someone in the oncoming lane to get around me. Then they screamed at me for being on the road and almost making them crash when they were in the wrong to begin with.

TLDR: Keep your head on a swivel and pay attention to everything you can on your bike. You cannot get complacent. The only place that is safe is the TVP far away from cars

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