AITA For cancelling on my friend because I was feeling low?

I’m sorry but YTA. I deal with everything you deal with. You did not give her enough notice.

Because I really used to do the same shit I would not give people enough notice when I suddenly felt low and didn’t want to go anymore. And you know what happened people stopped asking to things because I’m so flaky.

Your friend was getting already and didn’t see your text that’s really not fair on her. And honestly you can’t say that you’re irritated at her because it’s mental illness blah blah blah. I felt all the things that you feel I also have ADHD.

Low mood from ADHD is not the same as having an anxiety attack or being suicidal. So I don’t think you can say that well it’s mental illness she can’t be mad blah blah blah. She absolutely can be upset about that.

If you were having an anxiety attack or feeling suicidal I’m on your side. but I have a feeling that was not the case and this is a pattern of behavior with you based on the fact that she says she always has other plans if she has plans with you, is telling that you do this often. And honestly that sounds like weaponizing your ADHD against her. I used to do that and it took me a very long time to recognize.

If this is a pattern of behavior your friends can only take so much before they stop asking you out altogether, because they’re going to assume that you’re going to change your mind last minute. And eventually you won’t have any friends.

Also, think about it, does this low mood frequently hop in an hour or two before you need to be going somewhere? Because it took me a long time to notice that low mood was me just not wanting to put in the effort of getting ready. And honestly that’s a dumb reason not to go out. And I feel like that might be happening to you if this is a pattern.

And you already know that you’re overwhelmed by festivals so you shouldn’t have agreed in the first place. You can’t agree to that and then say “boo-hoo overwhelmed” on the day of. That is such BS.

I know you have mental illness but you’re full of shit. I think with mental illnesses it makes it harder for ourselves to recognize when we are being full of shit. I truly mean no disrespect these are just a lot of things that I recognized that I was doing in the past!

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread