AITA for destroying my girlfriend in a cooking contest in front of her family?

Wtf?? NTA. Your gf just sounds like a sore loser. "Making it all about yourself" What? Cause your recipe was better than hers? It's a game. Just a little cooking game to pass time. She knew that. Her family knew that. You guys were all just trying to have fun. It sounds like her family had fun as well. Why did she give you the side eye when you agreed to cook for her family?? She told you to "chill out", what does that even mean? Does she not like it when her family is starting to like her boyfriend? I am genuinely so confused. It's not like you insulted her, or insulted her dish or told her she fucking sucked at cooking in front of her entire family. You didn't go Gordon Ramsay on her, so how could you have acted like an asshole?? Would she have acted like that if you guys played a board game instead?

I don't understand any of these comments and I sincerely hope you won't listen to anyone who says you were the asshole. Again, I am so confused.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread