AITA for getting mad at an autistic guy for telling me what I can do with my body?

I was like that when I was a teenager. I'm 24 now and I'd call myself a feminist but it isn't my identity. I guess I'm trying to say be open-minded about it all - I also would resent the whole "but if you believe feminist values then you may as well call yourself a feminist" comments I'd get (that you just kinda got lol). But I think you'll realise like I did that it really doesn't matter what you call yourself, the morals you have and fighting to make the changes you want to see in the world are important.

Basically, I wouldn't dismiss the idea of being a feminist if I were you, as the bulk of them actually aren't those feminists - it has been empowering for me to eventually identify as a feminist. But I totally understand your feelings and I honestly don't see the problem with someone saying, "no, I prefer to identify as an egalitarian" or whatever in response to "are you a feminist?"

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